Tame the Hunger


Since it's conception in 2017, Tame the Hunger has been a staple event for the Iowa Wild every season. The Iowa Wild spends an entire day packaging meals to benefit children and families associated with the Des Moines Public Schools Success Program. To date, the Wild have packed more than 271,000 meals!

Register now for Tame the Hunger 2025! 


Year Meals Packed
2017 24,000
2018 28,000
2019 40,000
2020 30,000
2021 21,000
2022 30,000
2023 48,168
2024 50,112
2025 TBD


Meals from the Heartland is a faith-related organization that believes in the importance of prayer, volunteer service and financial giving to help save starving children. They are made up of volunteers from businesses, schools, churches, community organizations and beyond who package meals for delivery to malnourished people in Iowa, across the United States and around the world.

Search for hunger stats in Iowa. It’s a staggering problem — not just in developing countries, but here at home and across the nation. Poverty and crisis tip the scale in hunger’s favor. The question of how to end world hunger can seem daunting, but they ARE making a difference, thanks to generous donors, volunteers and partners. Every dollar donated, every volunteer hour given and every packaged meal is helping to break the chain of hunger and save lives. Since 2008, Meals from the Heartland has provided over 200 million meals to the hungry in Iowa and around the world.