Join the Iowa Wild at Prairie Meadows Casino in Altoona for a night of poker! If you knock out an Iowa Wild player, you win the jersey right off their back. Stay tuned for more information on the next Iowa Wild Poker Tournament.
Date: Wednesday, March 12th 2025
Time: 6PM
Location: Prairie Meadows Casino (1 Prairie Meadows Dr, Altoona, IA 50009)
*Players TBD, and subject to change.
Iowa Wild Poker Tournament Rules
Iowa Wild No-Limit Texas Hold ‘Em Poker Tournament
The Iowa Wild No-Limit Texas Hold ‘Em Bounty poker tournament is scheduled for 6pm, Wednesday, March 12, 2025.
Entries are limited to the first 63 players, plus up to 7 Iowa Wild Representatives.
Players seated in a live game (a game ranked by the house) 2 hours prior to the start of the tournament will have first opportunity to purchase a seat for a $50 buy-in and a $10 entry fee.
If entries are still available one hour prior to the start of the tournament, all other interested players can purchase a seat for a $50 buy-in and a $10 entry fee.
Each player will start with $3,000 in tournament chips.
Each player including alternates may purchase an optional $10 dealer add-on for an additional $2,000 in tournament chips as long as the player has not played a hand.
Alternates -
Once the tournament is full, alternates will be taken through the first break of the tournament. (Alternates are players who do not make the initial cut-off and may have an opportunity to play if a player is eliminated through the first break of the tournament. Alternates can be players that have already been eliminated from the tournament.) Alternates will be taken on a first come first serve designated alternate list and will be seated in the available seat where the player(s) eliminated from the tournament was/were seated. At the conclusion of the first break no more alternates will be allowed to register, but those already on the alternate list will be allowed entry into the tournament as seats become available.
Late Registration -
Once the tournament has started, late registration is allowed through the first break if seating is available. If the tournament is full, players registering late will be added to the alternate list.
Re-entry is allowed through the first break if seating is available. If the tournament is full, re-entries will be added to the alternate list.
If players have paid and have not taken their seats, they will be considered late and will have blinds removed from their chips until they arrive at the table.
Each player must be present to purchase his/her entry. Reservations and call-ins are not permitted.
Random Seats -
Upon entering the tournament, the cashier or poker room employee will shuffle all the seating assignments and randomly assign tournament seats from the random shuffle of tournament seating assignments. All seat 5 cards will be withheld from the shuffle and randomly given to an Iowa Wild representative. This is accomplished by giving a player a seating assignment card stating the table number he/she is playing at and what seat number he/she is sitting in. Example: A player that has an assignment of TABLE 4 SEAT 6 will go to the table number 4 and sit in the sixth chair clockwise from the dealer. If the tournament is not sold out, the Poker Room Supervisor reserves the right to combine tables to place an equal/fair amount of players per table leaving seats open for late entries. Example: If there are 41 players registered, tournament play will be combined to five tables. Players who require accommodations outlined in the Americans with Disabilities Act will have random seating assignments drawn between Tables 1, 2, and 3. In the event all seats at Tables 1, 2, and 3 have been filled, and there is still space available in the tournament, Tables 1, 2, and 3 will be reshuffled, with the exception of seat 5, and the player in the seat drawn will have a different assignment selected with the remaining seats.
Button -
The starting position of the button will be in the last active seat counterclockwise from the dealer.
Blinds increase after 20 minutes of play as listed below:
Beginning Blinds:
10 min. break/race off $25 chips
10 min. break/race off $100 & $500 chips
10 min. break/race off $1,000 & $5,000 chips
Blinds will continue to double until the conclusion of the tournament.
Players are eliminated from the tournament when they have no chips.
Payouts -
The number of places and percentages that will be paid will be posted prior to the tournament. The exact payout for each spot will be announced once all buy-ins are collected.
Payouts and Percentages are as follows: If there are 39 players or less in the tournament, five places will be paid. If there are 40 players or more registered, ten places will be paid.
5 PLACES – 40%-30%-15%-10%-5%
10 PLACES – 33%-21%-13%-8%-6%-5%-4%-4%-3%-3%
Buy-ins will go to the prize pool to be paid out. The house as gaming revenue will retain the entry fees.
Seat 5 -
Iowa Wild representatives will be designated as the bounty. Each time one of these representatives gets eliminated from the tournament, the player who eliminated them, will receive an Iowa Wild package. When break for tables to move, the new table will always know who the bounty is on, if that table still has an Iowa Wild representative. If two players knocked out an Iowa Wild representative with equal hand value, the player with the most chips to start the hand wins the bounty. If the players share the same hand value and start the hand with the same amount of chips, the player in the worst position wins the Iowa Wild package. Worst position is the small blind and continues clockwise around the table. If an Iowa Wild representative is the overall winner, the bounty for that representative will be awarded to the runner-up. The bounty is a signed hockey jersey. The bounty is valued at $150. All jerseys not won by a participant will become property of Prairie Meadows.
All rules approved by IRGC for live games apply, unless an exception is mentioned.
No deal making or splitting of prize money will be allowed.
Chip Race -
When it is time to color up, chips will be raced off with the maximum of one chip going to any player. The chip race will always start in the first seat occupied clockwise from the dealer. Each player will receive one card for every odd chip they have that will no longer be utilized. All the odd chips will be collected to determine how many chips will be disbursed. For example: If we are racing off the $25 chips and after collecting all the odd chips we end up with $425, the four players with the highest card by suit will each receive a $100 chip. If there were $450 in odd chips, the five highest players with the highest card by suit would receive a $100 chip. If the amount is half or more of the denomination that is going to be received, it is rounded up. Each player may receive a maximum of one chip per race. A player cannot be raced out of a tournament. In the event that a player has only one chip left, the regular race procedure will take place. If that player loses the race, they will be given one chip of the smallest denomination still in play.
Player Exposed Cards -
A player exposing his/her cards during play will receive a warning and may have his/her hands killed.
Verbal Disclosing Contents -
Verbally disclosing the contents of a hand or advising a player how to play his/her hands will result in a warning.
Warnings and Disqualifications -
Verbal warnings will be given if a player exposes any card with action pending, if a card is thrown off the table, if soft play occurs, or other improper etiquette takes place. A player will be disqualified in cases of abuse, disruptive behavior, being intoxicated, or any other infractions of Prairie Meadows mutual respect policy. A player who is disqualified shall have his/her chips removed from play and will not receive a monetary refund. Infractions will result in a first and second warning followed by disqualification from the tournament.
At Seat -
A player must be at their seat by the time the first card comes off the deck in order to have his/her hand live. Players must be at the table to call time.
Face Up -
All cards will be turned face up once a player is all in and all action is complete.
Communication Devices -
Players are not allowed to use a cell phone or any electronic device in an attempt to undermine the integrity of the game. Players are allowed to use their cell phones or electronic devices while playing in a tournament to send or receive text messages and use applications while they are not in a hand. Players are not allowed to use their cell phones or electronic devices to make and answer calls while they are in a hand.
Deck Changes -
A player may not ask for deck changes.
New Limits -
When time has elapsed in a round and a new round is announced, the new limits apply to the next hand. The hand has already begun with the first riffle of the deck that starts the shuffle procedure and will be completed at the previous level of blinds.
Chips Visible -
All chips must be visible at all times. A player may not have tournament chips in his/her pockets, purse, hat, etc. at any time. A player who has chips in his/her pockets, purse, hat, etc. will forfeit the chips. The forfeited chips will be taken out of play from the tournament.
Moving Player -
When a player is moved to balance the number of players at each table, he/she will be moved by a Poker Room Supervisor from the big blind to the worst position, which is the seat available immediately clockwise from the big blind. When a table is broken, a player from this table going to a new table will be responsible for all obligations of the new seat. A player will not receive a hand when coming in between the button and the small blind.
Raises -
There will be no cap on raises.
Final Table -
In all events when reduced to the final table, a redraw for seats will take place as explained in random seating.
Two Players All in At the Same Time and Lose -
The player starting the hand with the most chips will receive the higher placing when more than one player is eliminated in a hand. If the total chip count is equal at the start of the hand; the players involved will split percentages of the places eliminated from the tournament.
Discovered Chips After Declaring All In -
A player who declares all in and loses the pot, then discovers chips that were hidden is not entitled to benefit from the situation and is eliminated from the tournament. If that player loses the hand, found chips will be taken out of play.
Blind Responsibility -
An absent player is responsible for all blinds.
Straddles -
Straddles are prohibited.
Prairie Meadows may disqualify any player for any prize based on fraud, dishonesty, and violation of the tournament rules or other misconduct.
The interpretation of the rules and eligibility is at the sole discretion of Prairie Meadows. All Prairie Meadows decisions will be subject to IRGC review.
Prairie Meadows reserves the right to modify or cancel this tournament at any time for any reason subject to all applicable regulations. Once a tournament is IRGC approved, any changes will receive IRGC approval before such changes are implemented.
All applicable federal and state taxes are the sole responsibility of the winner and taxes, as required by law, will be deducted from the winnings.
A list of prizewinners will be made available upon request.
Iowa Wild Poker Tournament Facts
Promotion: Iowa Wild No-Limit Texas Hold ‘Em Bounty Poker Tournament
Dates of Promotion: Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Start Time: 6pm in the Poker Room (Casino Level 2)
Registration: 4pm-6pm at the Cash Cage (Casino Level 2)
Objective: Drive Poker Room Traffic
Target Market: Casino Guests / Poker Players / IA Wild Fans
IRGC Submission: No
Poker Tournament
The tournament will begin at 6pm in the Poker Room on Casino Level 2.
Entries are limited to the first 63 players, plus up to 7 Iowa Wild Representatives.
Players seated in a live game (a game ranked by the house) two hours prior to the start of the tournament will have first opportunity to purchase a seat for a $50 buy-in and a $10 entry fee.
If entries are still available one hour prior to the start of the tournament, all other interested players can purchase a seat for a $50 buy-in and a $10 entry fee.
Each player will start with $3,000 in tournament chips.
Each player including alternates may purchase an optional $10 dealer add-on for an additional $2,000 in tournament chips as long as the player has not played a hand.
Payouts & Percentages
The number of places and percentages that will be paid will be posted prior to the tournament. The exact payout for each spot will be announced once all buy-ins are collected.
Payouts and Percentages are as follows: If there are 39 players or less in the tournament, five places will be paid. If there are 40 players or more registered, ten places will be paid.
5 PLACES – 40%-30%-15%-10%-5%
10 PLACES – 33%-21%-13%-8%-6%-5%-4%-4%-3%-3%
Buy-ins will go into the prize pool and the house will retain any entry fees.
Iowa Wild representatives will be designated as the bounty. Each time one of these representatives gets eliminated from the tournament, the player who eliminated them, will receive an Iowa Wild package. The bounty is a signed hockey jersey.

Poker Tournament

Poker Tournament